PMSC offers an intramural program for kids aged 3 to 8, a recreation program for kids aged 8 to 15, and a travel program for kids aged 8 and older. PMSC strives to meet the needs of children in the area by offering differing levels of training and commitment. From the fulfilling experience of our rec and intramural programs to the more competitive environment of our travel program, our participants tend to develop into high-quality soccer players.
Registration Note: PMSC is a non-profit club, we try to keep costs a low as possible as part of our mission. In order to keep the costs low we will only consider refunds of registration fees prior to the start of the season for extenuating circumstances (ex. moving, illness, family conflicts). We do order uniforms and pay insurance fees for players prior to the start of the seasons, we reserve the right refund registration fees less the costs the club has incurred at the time the refund is requested.
Refunds will not be issued after the first games of the season has been played.